A Professional Corporation of Skilled Attorneys
VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA RESIDENTS: You are unable to work...where do you turn? You have been denied Social Security Disability Benefits...but WHY?
To qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits, you must be unable to participate in any type of gainful employment in the American economy for a period of 12 months or more due to a disabling condition that is expected to last 12 months or more or result in death. The applicant must also have sufficient work credits to qualify.
If you have not applied, and you believe you may be eligible, application is FREE. Click the link below.
If you have applied and been denied, call The Reliance Law Group in Cedar Bluff, Virginia at (276) 522-1220, Bristol, Virginia at (276) 644-0992, or toll free at 888-374-5078 to schedule a consultation regarding your Social Security claim. We can help.
The Reliance Law Group has the experience and dedication to effectively assist you with a successful disability claim. If we don't win, you pay no attorney's fees. We are skilled in the representation of persons with disabilities and with the Social Security system. Call today for your FREE CONSULTATION!
Cedar Bluff, Virginia: (276) 522-1220
Bristol, Virginia: (276) 644-0992
​or toll-free: (888) 374-5078
To file you INITIAL CLAIM FOR BENEFITS, click here. This link will take you to the Social Security Administration web site where you can prepare your initial claim for disability benefits for FREE.
If your claim is denied, give us a call immediately. We stand ready to assist you with follow up claim activities including reconsideration, an appeal, and a full hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.
We have the expertise and we want to help! Toll free: 888-522-1220.
A person qualifies for Social Security Disability Benefits by meeting the following criteria:
they have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from engaging in any "substantial gainful activity" ("SGA"), and
the condition is expected to last at least 12 months or result in death, and
they are under the age of 65, and
generally, they have accumulated 20 social security credits in the last 10 years prior to the onset of disability (normally four credits per full or partial year); one additional credit is required for every year by which the worker's age exceeds 42.
The work requirement is waived for applicants who can prove that they became disabled at or before the age of 22, as these individuals may be allowed to collect on their parent's or parents' work credits. The parent(s) experience no loss of benefits.
Medical evidence is signs, symptoms and laboratory findings and is required to document the claim. Symptoms, such as pain, are considered but must be reasonably expected to come from a medically determinable impairment which the claimant is diagnosed to have. The decision is based on a sequential evaluation of medical evidence. The sequence for adults is:
1. Is the claimant performing a substantial gainful activity? If yes, deny. If no, continue to next sequence.2. Is the claimant's impairment severe? If no, deny. If yes, continue to next sequence. 3. Does the impairment meet or exceed the severity of impairments in the Listing of Impairments? If yes, allow the claim. If no, continue to next sequence. 4. Is the claimant able to perform past work? If yes, deny. If no continue to next sequence. 5. Is the claimant able to perform any work in the economy? If yes, deny. If no allow the claim.