A Professional Corporation of Skilled Attorneys
The Reliance Law Group provides assistance with various domestic matters to expeditiously resolve disputes and conclude difficult relationship matters and to proactively prevent property settlement issues that may arise in the future. Our firm can develop agreements prior to marriage to ensure that no issues arise between partners to the marriage concerning earnings, property, pre-owned property, and designate how property is to be shared. This is particularly important if the parties have been married previously, if they have children prior to the marriage, or if they have significant assets.
In the event parties have already married, a post-nuptial agreement can achieve the same results as a pre-nuptial agreement. Assertively prevent disputes over property, real estate, and other assets through planning and pre-agreement.
The Reliance Law Group also provides legal supports in divorce matters in which the parties can come to agreement concerning their assets and the appropriate division of those assets through a collaborative process. Uncontested Divorce filings can be concluded in as little as six (6) months in Virginia if no children are involved. This is also the least expensive way to secure a divorce for all parties concerned.
Our Domestic Relations Services:
Uncontested Divorce
Contested Divorce
Collaborative Divorce
Child Custody & Visitation
Separation Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements
Post Nuptial Agreements
See us today for a consultation. In Cedar Bluff, Virginia, call (276) 522-1220; in Bristol, Virginia, call (276) 644-0992, or toll-free (888) 374-5078 for a confidential appointment.